Saturday, April 7, 2012


Clothes act as a barrier between the human body and the environment and also protect us from various elements like UV radiation, insects and harsh environmental conditions. I prefer casual clothing and my favorite types are Jeans, T-Shirt and Jumper. I don’t necessarily move with the latest trend and fashion but I am rather conscious of my image in the society.

Jeans are very comfortable to wear; I wear it when I am at home and even when I am outside. T-Shirt reflects my personality, makes me look simple and humble. With a Jumper on, I find myself more trendy and stylish. They are the typical types of my clothing choices. With changes in season I add or remove the amount of clothes in my body but I wear these clothes almost in every seasons. I love the types of clothes I wear as they are very comfortable, stylish, affordable, casual and attractive. I don’t want to be a victim of fashion so I am always simple and practical. My clothes display the character inside me and I feel very comfortable to wear them whenever and wherever I am so I usually follow this style of clothing. I don’t follow different clothing styles with different occasions; I prefer the same clothing style in every occasion either in parties or ceremonies, either in college or at home.

I am not that choosy when it comes to clothing after all it’s only a material to cover and protect our body but Jeans, T-Shirt and Jumper are what I love the most in clothes. These types of clothing items make me feel more comfortable, confident and fashionable. Although I don’t like to spend much time and money in clothing but the items that I have listed above are of my first choice to wear.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Arrogance and confidence are similar terms with different meanings. Arrogance and confidence both involve believing in one’s abilities.  Arrogance is defined as an offensive display of superiority, self-importance and over bearing pride whereas confidence is termed as a feeling or consciousness of one’s power or of reliance on one’s circumstances. People with arrogance can also be said to be over confident but a person with confidence doesn’t necessarily be an arrogant.

Arrogance refers to believing something or someone is capable or correct when they are not. Arrogance is often underplayed by insecurity. People with arrogance tend to be arrogant to compensate their area of weakness that distresses them. Such people only play up their area of strength and prefer ignoring their area of weakness because of the inability to come to terms with weakness. An arrogant person finds himself smart if someone else feels stupid. Their sense of themselves depends on thinking less of others.

Confidence refers to a state of mind marked by easy coolness, freedom from uncertainty or embarrassment. A confident person feels competent from within, they use their talent to succeed on any task at hand and accept their weakness, faults even though they might not like them. They might look for external validation but they won’t totally rely upon it to define the sense of their abilities. Unlike arrogant people, confident people are easy to approach as they adopt an open and easy posture.

Each and every individual should build up confidence as it will lead them to success in life and ignore arrogance for arrogance is sure to mislead you in a wrong path diverting from your actual goal.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Green IT

Today’s biggest issue that the world is facing is of energy crisis. All the applications use the electricity and the power consumption is increasing day by day but the energy resources are limited so the energy crisis is rapidly growing. Hence, it is very crucial for us to resolve the problem of energy crisis as soon as possible. Thus, here is a simple technology that may be helpful to reduce the current problem of energy crisis namely Green IT.
In simple words, Green IT means replacing equipment with the latest and greatest in low energy devices, high-tech gadgetry to display how many trees you've saved each time power management kicks in on your PC, recycling redundant equipment responsibly, switching equipment off at the plug to make huge energy savings and much more. Michelle Hazelton explains that we need not to be an expert to support the green IT. His research explains that 60% of the building's energy is consumed when the building is mostly unoccupied, namely overnight and at weekends. Since, PC and monitor that have been switched off still draw on average 20 watts of power that means significant amount of energy is being wasted when the building in mostly unoccupied. This problem can be solved by encouraging people to switch off equipment at the plug before they leave the office. (Anon, n.d)
There is a simple calculation technology to calculate the energy consumption of our computer given in the website It showed me that my computer consumes 45W on on-mode, 2.5W on sleep-mode and 1.5W on off-mode, which means 48KW/year and it costs me approximately 635 EUR per year. After the calculation, it was obvious that the devices were using some power even when they are not in use. So, I think using this technology one can be aware about the power consumption of their electronic devices which might be helpful for them to encourage plugging off the devices after use.
In the particular article, there was no any author name and date, so it can be referenced by writing (Anon)   for anonymous and (n.d) for non date.  As it was taken through online source, so:
Anon., n.d. Green IT: keeping it simple. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2012].
Word count: 389

Monday, March 5, 2012


Finally the wait is over and after a one month long holiday we all are here for our 2nd semester. There are some new faces among us but all others are same old buddies. Similarly we have four modules in this semester as in the earlier semester. This module "Personal development for Computing" is a lot more similar to the 1st semester's "Study skills for computing" module and the lecturer Mr. Sanjiv Udash is teaching us this semester too and we are quite confident of making this semester’s tough journey go at ease with his help and support.

Recently we had a Lab for this module where every one of us was provided a paper about the qualities that a graduate in computing will possess. We discussed about the points in a group of two and were made to give a presentation on one of the 17 points available. Some of my friends got the opportunity to explain their point including the new comers. New comers were quite preserved and were hesitating to present themselves while the old students were busy making noise and fun of others. Some of my classmates gave a pretty good presentation and talked about good points and I was quite convinced about what they said.

I too was eager to present myself and I had decided to speak on the point “A graduate in computing will have the ability to operate computing equipment, taking account of its logical and physical properties and any risk and safety aspects” but unfortunately due to the lack of time I didn’t get chance to speak on my point. The computing course will provide students with both hardware and software related knowledge as a result a graduate will be able to easily handle many computing related equipments properly understanding all the possible risks and taking in account all the safety measures.

 This semester we are being made to give presentations as well as create a Google blogger starting from the very first week. It resembles how tough this semester is going to be and it won’t be as easy as the first semester was but I am all prepared for the tough journey ahead and I am sure to deliver my best efforts as I am tending to increase my study hours.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Computers attract me the most and I feel extremely grateful to have got an opportunity studying computing from an internationally recognized university here in Nepal. .
I always wondered how software works, how coding is done and about other features of them, this has inspired me to choose computing. My curiosity dragged me to this IT field and I expect to learn more about computers and the relevant topics here in Islington College.

We had four modules in this semester. The first module is “Logic” where we get to learn topics related to mathematics. For me this was the easiest module as we were already familiar with the contents during our school and college. However, some topics were very new but the support from the lecturer helped me to get better understanding of the module. Further, constant practice in tutorial classes and proper study at home made me do good in the exams.

The “Problem Solving for IT” module was focused on Pseudocodes, Flowcharts and other programming related topics. This module also introduced us to Microsoft package and we also have submitted our coursework done in MS-Access and Ms-Excel. This module has improved my problem solving skills and enhanced my knowledge on MS Office package

The next module “Study Skills for Computing” deals with personal development, proper planning and developing various skills. Each one of us got actively involved in report writing, Personal Development Portfolio and Blog creation. Apart from this we also had a group presentation where I got to learn many skills needed for a proper team work. 

The most difficult module for me was “Introduction to Programming”. This module was totally concerned about programming. We also had to submit course works which was based on Java programming language and we had to implement the coding in BlueJ which definitely helped me to have a better understanding of programming languages.

As this was my first semester everything didn’t go as smooth as I had expected but the feedbacks from my lecturers and tutors helped a lot to improve my area of weakness, be rather confident and career oriented. I was weak in programming so I couldn’t do well in “Introduction to programming” module but the lecturer suggested me to practice more programming as a result I have better programming concept now. I hesitated to present myself in front of large number of people but the constant support and encouragement of lecturers boosted my confidence. I scored good marks in “Logic” module and the tutor encouraged me to practice more and score even better in the coming exams.

The moment I entered the college was the moment I thought I would be making a difference in the crowd of students here and  I was quite confident in achieving my goals. Nothing ever goes exactly as planned so I was not all up to my expectations but I was definitely close to my goals. Next semester I’m sure to correct my flaws and I’ll be hoping to do exactly what I’ll be expecting from myself for that I’ll be focusing on my study at home.