Thursday, January 26, 2012


So many weeks have already passed by still the excitement of studying in Islington college is getting higher and higher. With time we are getting more used to with the college environment and the courses offered here.
Unlike the starting weeks of this semester the courses are getting tougher and more exciting too. We are having very busy time handling the projects and the course works also.

We studied about Modularization, Abstraction, Accessing private fields, Formal and Actual parameters and many others JAVA related topics in “Introduction to Programming” module.
In “Study Skills for computing” module we learned about how Proper Referencing is done and also had a presentation practice for the actual group presentation in the 13th week. The dummy presentation wasn’t that good as our presentation wasn’t properly prepared but we all are working in making our presentation best.

Similarly in “Logic” module we studied Set Theory, Predicate Logic, Number bases, Quantifiers and many other mathematics related topics. This module has been the easiest of all because all the topics are somehow related to the ones that we studied in School and College.
Furthermore in “Problem Solving For IT” module we learned about Structure Charts, IPO Charts, Flowcharts and Algorithms. It turned out that this module was not only about solving tricky questions it is more complex than we had thought.

We also had "written closed book exams" for all three modules except “Study Skills for Computing” module. The “Logic” module's exam went very well but unfortunately I only scored pass marks in “Problem Solving For IT” and “Introduction to Programming” module.
So I am concentrating more on these modules and hope I will score good marks in every modules in the remaining days of this semester.

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