Friday, March 16, 2012

Green IT

Today’s biggest issue that the world is facing is of energy crisis. All the applications use the electricity and the power consumption is increasing day by day but the energy resources are limited so the energy crisis is rapidly growing. Hence, it is very crucial for us to resolve the problem of energy crisis as soon as possible. Thus, here is a simple technology that may be helpful to reduce the current problem of energy crisis namely Green IT.
In simple words, Green IT means replacing equipment with the latest and greatest in low energy devices, high-tech gadgetry to display how many trees you've saved each time power management kicks in on your PC, recycling redundant equipment responsibly, switching equipment off at the plug to make huge energy savings and much more. Michelle Hazelton explains that we need not to be an expert to support the green IT. His research explains that 60% of the building's energy is consumed when the building is mostly unoccupied, namely overnight and at weekends. Since, PC and monitor that have been switched off still draw on average 20 watts of power that means significant amount of energy is being wasted when the building in mostly unoccupied. This problem can be solved by encouraging people to switch off equipment at the plug before they leave the office. (Anon, n.d)
There is a simple calculation technology to calculate the energy consumption of our computer given in the website It showed me that my computer consumes 45W on on-mode, 2.5W on sleep-mode and 1.5W on off-mode, which means 48KW/year and it costs me approximately 635 EUR per year. After the calculation, it was obvious that the devices were using some power even when they are not in use. So, I think using this technology one can be aware about the power consumption of their electronic devices which might be helpful for them to encourage plugging off the devices after use.
In the particular article, there was no any author name and date, so it can be referenced by writing (Anon)   for anonymous and (n.d) for non date.  As it was taken through online source, so:
Anon., n.d. Green IT: keeping it simple. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2012].
Word count: 389

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